The Reformation was a seismic shift that challenged the establishment, set off a chain of events and profoundly altered the course of history.
This symposium sought to investigate the events of 1517; their causes; their immediate aftermath in local and national context; reactions to them within the Catholic world; and their long-term consequences, notably through the emergence of various Protestant denominations during the 16th and 17th centuries. In addition, we also wished to explore how these events still resonate today.
"500 years: The Reformation and its Resonations" Conference, Friday 15th September 2017.

Rev Dr Peter Clarkson Matheson. Emeritus Professor Knox Theological College, Dunedin and Fellow of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand. "“The elusive Martin Luther”

John Coffey, Professor of Early Modern History, University of Leicester. “Protestant Millennialism and British Antislavery, 1770-1840”

Raheem Oluwafunminiyi, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria. “Luther versus Us: Encountering the Reformation through the Eyes of an African Class”

Marta Quatrale, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Philosophie (PhD Candidate): ‘Nos esse tubam illam nouissimam. (Gnesio) lutheran Identity and the Revelation of the Antichrist in the so-called “Herrgotts Kanzlei”’

Michael Questier, recently a Leverhulme research professor of history. He is currently honorary professor in the centre of Catholic studies in the Durham theology department. “The Protestant Reformation in England and the Making of Catholic Saints.”
Some comments from the audience
"Informative and interesting--speakers completely held my attention"
"Interesting and enlightening. Very well organised"
"I thoroughly enjoyed my first visit to the Garden of Eden"
"Very interesting exposure to a topic that I knew nothing about"
"Nice experience and very friendly environment"
"Well organised, good sound, very helpful to have the skype feedback with the presenters of the recorded lectures. The coffee / toilet breaks were very useful and the lunch was much appreciated"
"Wide ranging"
"Informative and interesting in a pleasant venue"
"Thank you for a splendid conference - the organisation was really exceptional. If only they were all done like that!"