Last time, I was thinking about how a collective imagination can bond humans. This time, I’m wondering how we can extend that bond beyond the human race.
In my last post, I was thinking a lot about time, and the Panaceans’ efforts, if not exactly to freeze it, then to erase some of the usual markers of its passing. I drew a parallel with modern mindfulness and ‘slow’ culture movements, but I think we can go a bit further.
This week I’ve been thinking about individual perceptions of time. Some of us feel its passing keenly, while others, like the Panaceans, see themselves as an integral part of a timeline that never ends. Like a cartoon character, they stretch out every fingertip and toe, straining to stop the clock for as long as possible, before that terrible ripping sound begins...
I visited the CenSAMM offices in Bedford in the last week of September, and had a couple of fascinating days immersing myself in the world of the Panaceans