"Africa shares a deep history with Europe and one of the direct consequences was the spread of Christianity."
"Earlier this year a report from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) claimed that a ‘sixth mass extinction event’ was not a future projection, but a present reality..."
"When Columbus was discovered on a Caribbean beach, he might as well have carried a placard announcing the end of the world..."
"The concept of the Alt+R has become familiar with the ascendency of Donald Trump to the office of the President of the United States. The need for an alternative to the political and economic status quo is felt on all sides of political persuasions..."
"It’s fair to say that many professional historians have something of a love/hate relationship with historical fiction..."
"...All of them have produced second-generation adults with remarkable childhood tales of involvement in Endtime drills and Millenarian activities."
"...in common parlance ‘Apocalypse’ has come to be synonymous with catastrophe or the end of the world."
"...an impressive range of topics was covered, both by speakers present in the flesh, and three Skype communicants, from Australia, Peru and Sweden."