For the second year running, CenSAMM's annual conference will be in conjunction with the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR) and co-sponsored by the Hibbert Trust. It will take place at the University of Leeds, 2-4 September, 2024, on the theme, "Reckoning with the Past."
The academic study of religion, with its roots in a variety of scholarly disciplines, is currently in a state of reassessment in terms of its history, relationship with colonialism, and problematic frameworks of "religion." As well as current issues in how groups are reckoning with their own problematic histories, we expect to cover themes such as the decolonisation of religious studies, anti-racist education and education about the slave trade, in addition to the history of religious studies and colonial impacts.
One of the key conference themes is "Apocalypticism and Millenarianism." For apocalyptic and millenarian movements, reassessing, re-framing, and transforming the past are recurring issues. CenSAMM encourages proposals on this topic (as well as others, of course).
Please submit proposals and any questions to: basrconference2024@gmail.com
Paper proposal (presenter/s, title, 200-word abstract) deadline: June 7 2024
If you are a Masters and/or early PGR student and would like to deliver 5-10 minute presentations on your ongoing or recently completed projects in a Lightning Talks panel, please submit a 50-100 word abstract to basrconference2024@gmail.com along with your institutional affiliation, degree programme, and year of progress.
Bursary applications for postgraduate, early career researchers, and for those facing financial challenges (irrespective of their status) will open in due course.