This month, CenSAMM has launched a major open access project: The Critical Dictionary of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CDAMM). CDAMM is an ongoing, online encyclopedia covering secular and religious expressions of apocalyptic and millenarian thinking throughout history and across cultures. Articles are commissioned to be academically rigorous and non-partisan and will be regularly updated as new articles are completed. Articles typically focus on movements (e.g., ‘Children of God/The Family International’), themes (e.g., ‘Gender and Contemporary Millenarian Movements’), individuals (e.g., ‘John the Baptist’), and critical scholarship (e.g., Norman Cohn). Additionally, there are articles on definitions (e.g., ‘Apocalypticism’) and a Glossary of recurring terms among apocalyptic and millenarian movements (e.g., ‘144,000’, ‘Beast of the Apocalypse’, ‘Son of Man’).
Check CenSAMM’s Facebook and Twitter for notifications of new CDAMM articles.